Jun 042012

Det amerikanska National Cancer Institute har engelskspråkig information om kliniska studier som kan vara till nytta även om det inte är just cancer man vill veta mer om.
- Find a Clinical Trial: Search NCI’s list of 10,000+ clinical trials now accepting participants.
- Learn About Clinical Trials: Information for all audiences about what clinical trials are, why they are important, and why people choose to take part.
- Clinical Trial Results: Browse recent clinical trial results by type of cancer or topic.
- Paying for Clinical Trials: Learn about insurance coverage and who is expected to pay for what in a clinical trial.
- Patient Safety in Clinical Trials: Learn how the rights and safety of people who take part in clinical trials are protected.
- Conducting Clinical Trials: Information and tools for investigators and research teams about conducting clinical trials, including registration and reporting.
- NCI Programs and Initiatives: Information about NCI programs and initiatives that sponsor, conduct, develop, or support clinical trials. Also, information about major NCI-supported clinical trials.
- Research About Clinical Trials: Summaries of research studies of the clinical trials process.